So I brought back a Halloween Tradition that only the Demented Ward Cleaver would do. I get a scary mask( The mask got a big thumbs up from my Halloween Advisory Committee-My daughters)and sit on my driveway with a bowl of candy. The bowl has a sign on it that reads PLEASE TAKE ONE ONLY. I sit there still so the trick or treating kids don't know if I'm fake or real.
A lot of the kids get freaked out( some adults too) when I make sudden movements( grab their hands as they reach into the bowl). Some kids, even as old as 12-13 won't even approach me. I do have one rule: I will not scare any little ones( usually about 4 yrs or younger-I will say "Happy Halloween, want some candy?")
This is for my pure entertainment. (My wife and daughters won't admit they enjoy it but they always watch from inside and they DO enjoy it).
The below episode transpired into the highlight of the day
Dad, 7 Year Old Girl and 5 Year Old Boy are across the street from me
DAD: "Hey guys, there's a skeleton over there. Go check it out"
Kids cross the street and approach me very cautiously
7 yr old girl: "DAD, ITS FAKE, ITS A DOLL!"
As she's turning and yelling to Dad, I slowly turn my head to face towards the 5 yr old boy
5 yr old boy: "HE'S REAL!!! HE'S NOT FAKE, HE JUST MOVED!!!"
7 yr old girl: "No, he didn't move. Its a doll"
They go on their way with the little boy pleading his case.
So, not only did they not believe him, I'm pretty sure he soiled his Spiderman costume!