So my buddy and I golf every Friday early to get in a quick 3 hour round and then go to work. We tee off 6:15 A.M.
We get behind a guy and his son in a cart and two guys with pull carts
First of all, they’re playing from the back tees and they suck. Worst of all, they are playing so slow that you would have thought they were playing in the U.S. Open( it took everything in me not to lose it though a couple of holes I did yell loudly to “Come on!”
Well, we tee off on a hole and both my buddy and I are right down the middle of the fairway. We’re waiting for Dadddy/Son and the Pull Cart Brothers to putt.
All of a sudden a ball from another hole rolls about 20 yards from us( errant tee shot of another bad golfer)
We look and there is a giant Hawk swooping down by this ball. The Hawk is trying to pick up the ball( Must have thought it was an egg-I told my buddy he wanted to have sex with the ball)
Next thing you know this hawk picks up the ball in one claw and flies onto a branch of a nearby tree. Just sitting there
The bad golfer that hit the ball drives up and I say “Dude, you will not believe where your ball is”. I point to the tree and everyone is dying of laughter
The hawk dropped the ball and flew off
I told my buddy that we will never in our life see anything like that ever again
I took a pic of this with my phone so the pic is bad but what a story!